Uganda Embassy in Beijing holds Uganda-China Cultural Day

Tue, 08/23/2022
The Embassy of the Republic of Uganda in the People's Republic of China in collaboration with the Africa Cultural Tourism Center organized a "Uganda-China Cultural Day" both online and offline in Beijing, China.
The cultural day intended to enhance people-to-people relations by sharing the diverse culture through clothing, music, food and dance was organized as one of a series of activities being undertaken to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Uganda and the People's Republic of China.
The event which was graced by diplomats, the Ugandan community in China, Chinese, and friends from other African countries and other continents was presided over by Major General (Rtd) Ambassador Fred Mugisha, the Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda to the People's Republic of China. A larger Ugandan audience also attended online via zoom.
The activities that characterized this special day included but were not limited to Uganda's traditional dance, songs, and modelling which were performed by 12 Ugandans, the Chinese opera dance, poetry recital and a spectacular performance by students of the Lunyanzi Insitute in Uganda. In a short interview with Brig. Gen. Christopher Bbosa Kiyingi, the Defense Attache prior to the commencement of the event, explained thus "this event is expected to be purely cultural in nature and to portray the real Ugandan tradition". The aforementioned performances indeed met these expectations.
Among the key speakers was Ambassador Zhao Yali who served as Chinese ambassador to the Republic of Uganda from 2011 to 2016 and Ms. Angela Feng the General Manager of the African Cultural Tourism Center.
Ms. Angela assured the gathering of the center's "deep love and affection for Africa" and expressed their commitment to building a platform for cooperation between Chinese and African people, promoting cultural, tourism and economic exchanges.
In his speech, Ambassador Zhao congratulated the Uganda embassy for successfully organizing such an important event describing the 60 years of diplomatic relations as "60 years of stable and strategic cooperation and historic importance" recalling that China was one of the first countries in the world to recognize Uganda as an independent country while Uganda was one of the countries that supported the legitimacy of the People's Republic of China and its permanent membership to the United Nations in 1971. He recommended the Chinese and people from all over the world visit Uganda because of its good weather, friendly people, and green environment among many other special nature's gifts the country possess. He concluded his speech with a Luganda statement "Omukwano gwa China ne Uganda guwangaale" meaning "Long live Uganda-China Friendship."
While closing the event, Amb. Fred Mugisha assured the gathering that all-around cooperation between Uganda and China has grown from strength to strength noting that the official visit of President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to China in 2019 and his subsequent meeting with his Chinese counterpart President Xi Jinping elevated the relations to the highest of comprehensive cooperative partnership. He extended an open invitation to the Chinese to visit Uganda the Pearl of Africa. He appreciated Luyanzi Institute for establishing vocational training that provides critical developmental skills the country needs in addition to training Chinese language and culture.
He concluded by thanking participants for attending the event and informed them that a number of other activities are lined up both in China and Uganda to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Uganda-China diplomatic relations and Uganda's 60th independence anniversary.